About The Film

Immigrants and refugees escaping the atrocities in Syria often arrive in America with no support and little knowledge of how to navigate the complex systems in a foreign, English-speaking country. A tiny fraction in Los Angeles are lucky enough to meet an Armenian-Catholic priest named Father Armenag. An immigrant himself, he is troubled by memories of the family members he lost to ISIS, and quietly carries his grief as he tirelessly works to aid new arrivals and secure their lives in America.

Our previous film is about Armenians in America 100 years after The Genocide, It is called “What Will Become of Us.”

Select Broadcast Dates

If you don’t see your station below,
please look it up on the PBS website
and ask them to play the film!



Select Events & Screenings



Contact Us

If you have a question, or would like to arrange a broadcast, screening, or other event please get in touch!

Major Funding

The Hamparian Family Foundation
United Armenian Charities

Additional Funding

Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU)
The Levon & Claudia Nazarian Family Foundation
Seta Nazarian
Carol Vassiliadis
Judith Saryan & Victor Zarougian

Vicken & Rosette Arslanian
Beth Adams
Elizabeth Chouldjian
Chloe Womack
Deborah Devedjian
Jeffrey & Cindy Hovsepian
Vonnie Madigan
Shant Markarian
Marguerite McDermott
Leta Franklin Myers
Rebekah Myers
Evert Offereins
Shannon & Norm Prokup
Margaret Tejerian
Susanevelyn Trottier-Lavoice
Miriam & Andrew Vanderlaan
West Main Consultants
Monica Whitcomb